Saturday, September 20, 2014


Some people are not deceived. True value barely exists today. Im glad to have met them before things got packaged up with titles, logos and stereotyping. We tagged along with each other all day long, school, after school, football session at dawn was our daily routine. No calls needed. We came along and made it happen. There were times that i blamed during the downhill in life cz things might be the same still, then, i realised people drift apart from time to time. Bear with the changes you dont wanna accept, things will always be changing. The main thing is you, yourself is not the one u used to be anymore, remember?

Love them forever. They built you up so fine. God blessed.

Growing up, growing fast, im afraid.
Baby dont cry 


Friday, September 19, 2014

They lie, they lie

Why do you want to be perfect
By the time you are perfect will be the time you feel you aren't
"why do you wanna be a perfectionist I'd rather you be a happist." said by the only recognized poet of my life.
Bro is 'happist' even exist?

Staying away from people for quite some times, been staying connected to myself

Oh, then finally cried, for a someone cut my heart with his tongue.
Negative vibes hurt, good words lie either.
The sweeter they are, the sooner i leave.

Actions? Hearts? Wrong generation chris.

After all,

they lie. THEY ALL LIE



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