Only know you've been high when you feeling low. This is exactly how i feel right now. Why do people have to pretend like PRETEND to be what they aren't actually feeling // thinking // wanting to do? Why do people have to ACT like they dont give a fuck when in their mind it feels like a bunch of html codes tangling like hell? Why do people have to put themselves up there where inside they are actually inferior like shit and what they've been doing is to catch attentions from the people they wanted them to see him/her? So back to me have been doing something i never did before. Work Party Rave & Stay with a bunch of bros instead of Depending on a single person like what i used to do since forever. I felt insecure i need to admit this. I feel that all the time but to get over it is to get through it i suppose? I can see sarcastic people everywhere talking shits but what i NEVER care about what people think since forever cz i always believe what you say define you, not me. Things change from seconds to seconds. Things happen for a reason. Meeting someone who means so much to you is always the one & only expensive gift and she/he might be the best you've // you'll be meeting in this life. Appreciate. Dont be me.
Give her some cuddles today;;