What else could i say more about this woman. I think best friend, probably, is defined as the similarities of our 'channels' where they are so connected and no pleasant words needed at all no.
We love each other as much as we hate each other. 'Our lives are so fucked up' cited by us, still, we are keeping it that way :)
We went to get some tea to get rid of our cravings for ice cream, manatau haagen dazs suddenly pop up in front of us, so here is it. Haagen Dazs, the fault, is all yours.
Self-reminder: Cut down some weight, its christmas time, you might might might get dated you know bahhhh whateva my face always get puffy and rounder first first can u dont T_____T
So blessed x thank you bubbly

Sodagreen-hard-core-fans day out @ PitStop. Can i have a bigger portion?
Merry Christmas beautiful people!